I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(192) I have a function God would have me fill.
Our one function is to extend forgiveness and love.
The forms of what we do anything in our lives does not matter for they are simply the means through which we express our function.
In every moment, from one moment to the next, we are focusing on the choice for God and love, or against God and love (and for the ego’s judgments, limits, and separation).
Say NO to ego-created illusions. STOP. Deny their reality. Just let go of these habitual blocks to awareness. Accept responsibility but say NO to accepting illusion as truth.
Drop down into the area of the heart and feel the vibrations of love flowing within. Receive His vision of happiness, joy, and laughter.
Give or extend this choice for God and love, and be Grateful our Constant Companion is Guiding us every hour to His Glory. Give the blocks to the Holy Spirit, asking that God purify and cleanse our projections and mistaken beliefs. Fulfill our function of focusing on extending love, laughter, light, and forgiveness.