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Lesson 221, August 9

Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still. Forgiveness, to me, means that who we are can never be affected by what anyone or anything does or says to us, simply because we […]

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Lesson 218, August 6

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. (198) Only my condemnation injures me. When we condemn we are judging. When we judge, we are creating duality […]

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Lesson 212, July 31

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. (192) I have a function God would have me fill. Our one function is to extend forgiveness and love. […]

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Lesson 209, July 28

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. (189) I feel the love of God within me now. God’s love is continuous and forever flowing and extending. […]

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Lesson 207, July 26

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. (187) I bless the world because I bless myself. We bless ourselves when we turn away from the ego’s […]

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Lesson 204, July 23

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. (184) The name of God is my inheritance. So why are we accepting and claiming our smallness? Our one […]

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Lesson 196, July 15

It can be but myself that I crucify. This lesson can be the most difficult lesson of all to learn and accept. In healing our brothers we heal ourselves; in attacking our brothers we attack […]

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Lesson 191, July 10

I am the Holy Son of God Himself. Today we will rise above the false self that we have been identified with. It is time that we stop denying the truth. Today we accept ourselves […]

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Lesson 190, July 9

I choose the joy of God instead of pain. In the past, and still in the present, more often than not, we have chosen pain over peace, joy, and happiness. When we are experiencing pain, […]

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Lesson 188, July 7

The peace of God is shining in me now. Recognize that the peace of God’s love and light are here now. If we are having trouble experiencing God’s qualities it is only because we have, […]

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Lesson 172, June 21

Review God is but Love, and therefore so am I. (153) In my defenselessness my safety lies. God is but Love, and therefore so am I. (154) I am among the ministers of God. God […]

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Lesson 171, June 20

Review God is but love and therefore so am I. (151) All things are echoes of the Voice for God. God is but love and therefore so am I. (152) The power of decision is […]

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