I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(189) I feel the love of God within me now.
God’s love is continuous and forever flowing and extending.
We are the love and light that God is.
We were created by love.
Clearly, however, there is something else within us that appears to be not love. It vies for our attention all day long, almost every waking moment.
God, give us the strength to turn away from this non-loving energy, this false entity that has life only because we give it that life with our belief and attention.
Today, let us identify with the love that we are by getting the blocks out of God’s way.
Deny the lies of the ego.
Deny the fears, deny the frozenness, deny the lack, deny all that is not pure love.
Stop trying to solve problems for that is what keeps them from healing.
It was all just a bad dream.
Choose to trust God instead.
We need only be still, and remain as the identity of love that we are, extend that love, and then let God come to us.
Let God be as us.
Let God see through our eyes, speak through our voices, walk with our feet, work with our hands, love with our hearts.
Feel the love of God within us now as we open our hearts this day to all that God is bringing to us. Let us love and include all that is in our hearts.
Love is our sole identity, and it is all that we are. Everything else is a lie.
Let in the love and light, let out the love and light.
Live in this flowing fountain of energy.
Connect with this energy of love in my heart in every moment today.
How joyful to have access to experiencing the presence of this gift from Heaven!
I now allow this love to flow in, around, and outside of me, extending it to everyone.
I cannot give away enough of this love!
I deny all that is not the pure energy of love, for it is not real.
Nothing is Real but God’s love.