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Lesson 207, July 26

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(187) I bless the world because I bless myself

We bless ourselves when we turn away from the ego’s voice and turn to God’s voice instead.

We bless ourselves when we remember to bring to the Holy Spirit to correct everything that is not God’s love or light.

We bless ourselves when we forgive ourselves for believing in meaningless meanings and seeing false images and forms instead of God’s presence.

We bless ourselves when we can simply contain and be with all of the feelings that come up for us, knowing that they are only energy and not the truth about who we are. Repressed feelings block us; feeling is healing.

We bless ourselves when we remember that we are never alone, but walk hand in hand moment to moment with God and the Holy Spirit as our constant companions.

We bless ourselves when we accept God’s love for ourselves.

We bless ourselves when we allow all false meanings and images to dissolve into nothingness by turning to the loving voice of God’s love in every moment.

Let us bless ourselves this day.

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