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Lesson 168, June 17

Your grace is given me. I claim it now.

It is easy to be without grace when we continue to believe in the identities and stories our eyes show us.

The end of separation, lack, and limitation comes the day you decide and declare it.

We always get more of what we notice.

Stop noticing the deficits in your life.

Start noticing what you H.A.V.E.

Happiness, Abundance, Vison, and Enough are all yours now for the asking and acknowledging.

Grace is God’s response to the woundedness and despair we may feel when we have lived with unbearable pain, the absence of human love and care, or having fallen into a prolonged and deep sleep.

“Father, I come to You. And You will come to me who ask. I am the son You love.”

God is as accessible to us as we are willing to acknowledge and speak to Him of our deepest heartfelt desires.

After we ask, we need to become quiet and still, waiting for His gift of grace that will come and restore us to the full awareness of His Light and Love.

Thank God for whatever we have received in the past hour, and then invite Him to instruct us in the coming hour.

Let us make this full circle of requesting, receiving, extending, thanking, and acknowledging our daily habit.

God, I am willing to take the time every hour to receive your grace and vision that the sorry, unloving world of darkness and despair that I have been living in, and falsely accepted and identified with, can now dissolve back into the nothingness that it always was.

I long to surrender to your open, accepting arms now, and feel your deeply loving welcome and embrace.

Father, take me home.

Now, I Relax and Rest in God’s Love and Light.

“Father, I come to You. And You will come to me who ask. I am the son You love.”

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