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Lesson 94, April 4

I am as God created me.

I am His Son eternally.

This lesson asks us to say these two lines at the top of every hour today in an attempt for us to connect with our True Self, our changeless Self that could never be affected by fear, loss, suffering, or death.

To achieve this goal we are asked to lay aside all of the negative and positive self-images and attributes that we hold about ourselves as well as about others.

I am as God created me.

I am His Son eternally.

Say these words throughout this day so that we can remember the truth of who we are as an extension of God’s Light and Love.

We simply are perfect, changeless, and eternal.

We want to do more than just say these words, we want to experience the truth of who we are.

I am as God created me.

I am His Son eternally.

With frequent repetition of these words we can begin to accept their truth and acknowledge our Sonship with God.

With that acknowledge, this lesson assures us that we must receive a response.

This lesson is the most repeated lesson in A Course in Miracles, as is this idea that we are a changeless and eternal extension of God.

We are as God created us.

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