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Lesson 53, February 22


We continue with the review.

11. My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.

12. I am upset because I see a meaningless world.

13. A meaningless world engenders fear.

14. God did not create a meaningless world.

15. My thoughts are images that I have made.

The five lessons we are reviewing today are focused on the meaningless thoughts we think without God.

11. My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.

I have both real thoughts and meaningless thoughts. The world that I see is up to me depending on which thoughts I decide to think.

12. I am upset because I see a meaningless world.

Nothing in the world holds any value. As an example, money has no value apart from being only a medium of exchange. Money cannot determine whether I will be happy or not. My happiness can never come from anything in the world because nothing in the world has value.

13. A meaningless world engenders fear.

If I value what is in the world or if I make my happiness dependent on what is in the world then I will suffer because I am then depending on what is not real. That is insane!

14. God did not create a meaningless world.

God did not create the meaningless world that I see. If I suffer it is because I have placed value on what God did not create. Let me choose again. Holy Spirit, help me see this differently.

15. My thoughts are images that I have made.

What I see is the projected images of the thoughts of struggle, suffering, and sadness that I have been thinking on my own, without God. I am always free to choose God’s thoughts and His will rather than my own.

The thoughts I think with God will never show me the chaos and uncertainty that my own fearful thoughts have been showing me.

I long for the day that my mind grows more peaceful and when more often than not my attention will be on the love in my heart, the Kingdom of Heaven, instead of up in my head.

When my mind is at peace then I will see a peaceful world projected.

I need but remember that I am the decision maker in my mind. I am always free to place value either on God’s loving presence or on the ego’s madness.

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