There is nothing to fear.
When we are feeling disturbed or anxious, we are trusting in illusions.
In truth, there is nothing to fear.
This lesson reminds us that the presence of fear is a sign that we have been depending on our own strength.
If we have been trusting in our own strength, then we are still holding on to thoughts that are aligned with illusions, lies.
Repeating today’s lesson frequently will release our old beliefs in illusions so that there is greater space in our minds to remember God.
The more frequently that we can remember God, the better we are able to allow His strength to take charge of our lives by replacing our own inadequate weakness and self-reliance.
I find it useful to use the image of a traffic light to help me remember to STOP at the Red light when my attention is stuck up in my head and focused on an endless parade of mental, emotional, and worldly illusions. By frequently telling myself, “No, that’s not real!” in response to every illusion, I am training my mind to STOP believing in these weak, small, and fearful dreams that exist only in my mind. I am learning to STOP placing so much of my attention in the area of my head.
Then, I place my attention in the area of my heart. I say, “Relax, Right, here, in my heart, where the love is real. From the space of my heart, I can choose to Respond rather than react, I can pause and slow down.” While I am saying this, I am imagining the Yellow part of the traffic light. Here, I can pray, I can ask God to correct my mistaken beliefs. I can ask God to help me to see this situation differently. I can ask God to show me where to go, what to do, what to say, and who to say it to. And here, I can express my gratitude to God, for all that I am, have, and can do right now in my life.
Finally, I imagine the Green part of the traffic light, as I focus my attention on moving into the area of my gut. Here, is where I wait, listening to receive God’s response to the questions that I just posed in part two, above. I wait as long as I need to wait, because as we learned in a previous lesson, there is nothing for us to do except to take only the inspired actions that God moves us to take. In this way, we learn to stop depending on ourselves and instead, learn to depend only on God, through listening to our intuitive mind, the still, small voice of our true Self.
This lesson is teaching us to release our self-reliance and independence, and to create a new, much needed habit of depending on God instead. Self-reliance doesn’t work. We are learning to trust that God-reliance does.
When we can totally depend on God’s strength, then indeed, there will be nothing to fear.