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Lesson 204, July 23

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(184) The name of God is my inheritance

So why are we accepting and claiming our smallness?

Our one and only problem is that we are accepting the illusions that our thoughts of smallness and separation are continuing to create.

The illusion is over the Holy Instant that we accept it and declare that it is so!

Holy Spirit, in this moment, show me what I need to know about this illusion because I am ready to accept the truth about it instead. Help me to own my projection. Transform my mind this moment. Correct my thinking to uplift me from my fears to the truth.

Let my intention to see God sustain me!

I am now awake and step back to listen for Your guidance.

I am free. For I am still as God created me.

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