Only my condemnation injures me.
Condemning others hurts only us.
Forgiving others heals our own perception of them.
It is our own thoughts of condemnation about another person, rather than the person that causes the pain that we experience.
When we condemn we are declaring that someone is less worthy or less valued. We are also implying that we have the power to cause injury to another.
We have learned in A Course in Miracles that love, which is what we are, doesn’t work like this.
Injury and condemnation are illusions, and are therefore unreal, just as separation is.
There is no world apart from the dream our minds made up.
When we interact with the problems or grievances that we think exist, that is what is making them real.
The problems or grievances have already been solved and their effects have not occurred.
Grievances are the blocks that keep us from knowing who we are.
By choosing separation again and again we cannot know the oneness that we are.
By remembering guilt we are forgetting about innocence.
By listening to the voice of the ego we cannot hear the voice of God.
Our brothers are innocent regardless of how guilty our perceptions cause them to appear to us.
Another person’s ego may have caused harm but that is not who he is.
Forgiveness asks us to stop making the dream in our minds real.
Forgiveness asks us to release the dream of separation.
Forgiveness undoes the illusion of what happened so that we can become aware of our unchanging reality of love.
Nothing is Real but God’s Love.
Stop making the dream in my head real.
Listen to the Holy Spirit in my heart.
Gratefully forgive and surrender to God.