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Lesson 197, July 16

It can be but my gratitude I earn.

We have all experienced emotional ups and downs, the uplifting energizers and the disappointments, of receiving and not receiving gratitude.

We often withdraw our approval from those whom we have not received thanks, approval, love, or forgiveness from.

We have our reactions because we are attached to the responses that we receive.

We need to detach from all responses, however, because our thoughts can only affect ourselves. Both gratitude and attack come from our own thoughts.

This lesson explains that the only gratitude we ever give is our own.

We don’t need to receive gratitude from others because we only need to be grateful to ourselves for what we give.

Yesterday’s lesson helped us to free our minds of the belief that we can be attacked by anyone but ourselves.

Only our own thoughts can affect us.

Attacks and hurts appearing to come to us from others can only come to us from our own minds.

Today’s lesson is further helping us to free our minds of the belief in outside forces because any gratitude that we receive can also only come from our own thoughts.

We contain all things within our Self.

We are free to detach and be totally unconcerned with another’s response to anything that we give.

Only our own gratitude to ourselves is needed, and that is all that is necessary in order for us to receive gratitude.

Today let us practice extending gratitude to those that we have convinced ourselves do not deserve it or have not earned it.

Today let us practice extending gratitude to ourselves in every hour that passes.

It can be but my gratitude I earn.

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