I am the Holy Son of God Himself.
Today we will rise above the false self that we have been identified with.
It is time that we stop denying the truth.
Today we accept ourselves as spirit, the powerful presence of God that is our true nature.
We cannot lose or suffer, nor are we weak or helpless.
We are never alone or victims imprisoned by the world.
The world of separation and loss that we created was just a dream.
Now, we awaken to the truth.
Life doesn’t happen to us but it happens through us.
We have the power to undo all of the false beliefs that we have mistakenly built our lives on. It doesn’t matter how long we have believed in untruths.
We created the world that we see.
Forgive the world for being just a projection of our mind’s belief in a false identity. Allow all illusions to disappear with the release of this false identity.
What’s true is true.
Accept our true nature and identity as spirit.
We no longer need to be in control of our hours. Trust the voice of God in every moment and ignore the ego’s voice altogether.
Today let us look upon the world with new eyes that recognize we are seeing only the past and the false.
All problems dissolve as we locate ourselves in the safety of the present moment, the Holy Instant, where only the truth of love exists.
Let go of holding on tightly to the littleness of who we think we are and the littleness of what we have.
Let it all go, for it is all but nothingness.
Recognize all of our thoughts as a denial of our true identity and nature.
Be the freedom of spirit that we are!
We are an extension of love and in turn, we extend the love that we are.
We will come to recognize our power only when we stop accepting our false beliefs in limitations and nothingness.
These are the roadblocks that we have placed in love’s way, stopping the flow of love to and from ourselves.
Let us now invite God into the open spaces of our lives.
Step back and surrender our thoughts of limitation and smallness and nothingness.
Quiet our minds.
Feel the fountain of God’s love overflowing from within ourselves.
God, take charge of my life. Arrange every moment for me.
I am the Holy Son of God Himself.
I am as God created me.