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Lesson 179, June 28

God is but love and therefore so am I.
(167) There is one life, and that I share with God.
God is but love and therefore so am I.
(168) Your grace is given me. I claim it now.
God is but love and therefore so am I

We already have God’s grace.

What we haven’t done is accept it or claim it.

To claim something is to declare it as being so, being the way things are now.

Unfortunately, what most of us have accepted and claimed is that separation, lack, and limitation are the way things are.

Separation, lack, and limitation are what we have trained our minds to see, find, and create!

Few of us have learned how our minds operate, so unfortunately we have been using the awesome power of our minds to create what we want.

We have been creating our lives by default!

Now, we are learning how our minds create so that we can be at choice in how we use the power of our minds.

Undoing the thoughts in our minds takes effort, repetition, constant, and consistent practice, or, training as A Course in Miracles refers to the work that we are doing.

Many times we become frustrated because retraining our minds, or, undoing, seems to take so much time, plus it can be a lonely journey to travel. F. Scott Peck has called it, “The Road Less Traveled.”

There should be no doubt, however, because the results we are seeking are already ours— if we have the persistence and commitment to stay the course and trust that it is already so!

Claim God’s grace now!

Accept that this is already so.

Maintain this attitude without wavering and indeed, it will be so—-because it already is so!

Our stubborn bodymind simply refuses to give up its hold on our “story.” The body’s physical eyes look out at the world and sees what it sees as evidence.

But the “evidence” is merely an effect of the thoughts and feelings that keep repeatedly churning in our bodyminds.

Creation is the result when the same thoughts and feelings are repeated.

One hundred years ago, Henry Ford said, “If you think you can, you can, and, if you think you can’t, you can’t.”

Why not choose to repeat thoughts and feelings about love, happiness, and God?!

Stop getting pulled into what’s going on in the world.

The world is only an effect.

We are the cause.

We are very, very powerful.

We are causing the effects that we see in the world.

Stop using our power to create what we don’t want! How crazy is that!

Anyone can make this choice to change at any point in their lives.

It is the choice to experience peace and happiness.

Now I Rest in God.

Nothing is Real but God’s Love, Light, Laughter, and Life Energy.

Nothing is Real but God, Good.

Nothing is Real but God.

Repeat this (or any other phrase that you prefer) as often as you can; make it your mantra, your constant companion. Speak these words aloud as often as possible, as they cannot be spoken too much.

Nothing is Real but God.

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