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Lesson 127, May 7

There is no love but God’s.

God’s love is unchanging, and never depends on conditions or circumstances.

In truth, love is all there is.

Nothing is Real but God’s Love.

Love is all encompassing and incomparable. Its wholeness is its power that includes and connects all that is.

Love is Oneness.

It is time for us to clear out the mental clutter of separation and judgments that fester in our minds and hearts.

Today’s lesson asks us to call on God, give Him our false beliefs, and ask Him to help us understand the truth about love.

One thought at a time, we bring each unloving thought to God and ask to see it differently, through His eyes of Love.

The opposite of love is not hatred, but it is judgment and separation.

The world we live in, the world that we created is a world of separation.

We created our world by withholding love, by putting up walls, by shutting down our hearts, and remaining within the ego’s “comfort zone of protection.”

Separation and judgment create a world where God’s Love cannot live.

These are all of the thoughts that say we are separate from or lacking in love. The thoughts are the cause of the effects of our painful feelings and behaviors.

We are asking on this day to leave the past behind, never to look back on or remember withholding love again.

We are asking to move our energy out of our comfort zones of holding back.

We no longer want to look for acceptance or approval from anyone.

We want to be free of the need to be right.

Love is all we desire to see and love is all that we have to offer.

Love is who and what we are.

Let our hearts overflow with the fountain of God’s Love that we have learned to tap into.

Let God’s Love shine forth from us, like a Lighthouse, onto everyone and everything without judgment or regardless of conditions.

Offer God’s Love to everyone, friend, foe, stranger, and self alike.

Return to our memory God’s Love after releasing us from all past thoughts and their errors.

Show us God’s Love that Lives everywhere and Lights up everyone with Laughter.

Let us know we can’t lose love nor do we need to get love because we can never lack love.

God’s Love is the only power.

Today is the end of withholding love.

Today, offer Love to everyone, one by one.

There is no love but God’s.

Nothing is Real but God’s Love.

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