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Lesson 107, April 17

Truth will correct all errors in my mind.

The errors of believing in the false are what create the perceived mental and emotional walls that imprison us.

These errors grow out of our doubts, worries, impatience, fears, insecurities, and attack thoughts, which in turn, create the illusions we see in the world.

Truth is always in our minds but remains hidden beneath these false mistaken beliefs.

Bring all illusions to the Holy Spirit to be corrected with truth and they will dissolve back into the nothingness they always were.

We need only stop believing in their nothingness so that the truth in our minds that has always been there can be revealed.

Do we react to errors of mistaken thoughts and illusions as if they are real, or, do we merely recognize them as errors in mind that are in need of correction?

We need to stop identifying with our smallness and, instead, recognize and affirm the truth about who we are as our Father’s child and rightful inheritor of His Kingdom.

Bring awareness now to all illusions and watch them dissolve in the light of truth.

Embrace whatever painful emotions that our errors have engendered. Acknowledge the pain as a learning experience we have chosen.

Then, affirm the opposite of the illusion is truth and effortlessly let the illusion go.

With truth in our minds, all struggles and suffering vanish.

We can learn to trust and depend on truth for our every need.

Without illusions, the truth of feeling loved, safe, and secure can be revealed and we will rest in a peaceful, uncluttered state of mind.

Without illusions, nothing, no person, place, thing, or condition can ever disturb our peace of mind.

Truth corrects all errors in our minds.

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