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Lesson 116, April 26

(101) God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
(102) I share God’s Will for happiness for me.

We suffer only when we believe there is another will apart from His.

What God wills for me is everything that we could want and everything that exists.

God only wants for each of us to be happy.

Is that not what we want for ourselves?

What stands between us and our happiness?

Continue making the commitment we began yesterday to release the dreams of lack and separation, and instead, to see only innocence, oneness, and wholeness in everyone we meet or think of today, including ourselves.

Stop every thirty minutes and say, I Now Relax and Rest in God’s arms of love and light.

God’s peacefulness is always available to us.

Look at the effects in our lives as a mirror image showing us what we believe.

If we see lack or separation, making changes at the level of effects never can be anything more than temporary solutions. It doesn’t work.

What works is bringing the awareness of lack and separation to God and asking for those beliefs to be healed.

The truth is that we are always whole and innocent.

When we desire our own happiness for ourselves as much as God wants for us to be happy, then our minds will be healed and we will return to our natural state of love.

Stop every thirty minutes and say, I Now Relax and Rest in God’s arms of love and light.

Here, we find the fountain of safety, security, and peace that we always have to tap into.

We Now Relax and Rest in God’s arms of love and light.

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