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Lesson 57, February 26


31. I am not the victim of the world I see.

32. I have invented the world I see.

33. There is another way of looking at the world.

34. I could see peace instead of this.

35. My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.

The five lessons we are reviewing today focus on our complete choice about what our attention is focused on.

31. I am not the victim of the world I see.

There is nothing outside of me.

There is no world.

The world that I am aware of is of my own making. A Course in Miracles has taught me that the world begins in my mind with the beliefs that I choose. If this is how the world works, then I cannot be a victim of what I see. This is a reversal of the status quo and everything that the world leads us to believe.

32. I have invented the world I see.

This can be a difficult lesson for the ego mind to comprehend because it means nothing less than the annihilation of all if my ego-centric thoughts.

To the heart-centric mind that is my True Self, this lesson opens me to having the freedom to be myself, to be the love that I am, to be the love that is God.

What I see is what I am choosing to be aware of.

I have limited myself because I have become focused only on lack. But I don’t have to believe the limited thoughts and feelings that I have had, regardless of how long I have held on to these notions.

33. There is another way of looking at the world.

I have become conditioned to see the world as a place where struggle, lack, and limitation are the way things are. What good news this is to know that this is not the truth.

34. I could see peace instead of this.

I am coming to realize that instead of seeing the usual struggle, lack, and limitation that I have come to expect, I can now make a different choice. I can see whatever I want to see instead. What I want to see is peace.

Whenever I am not at peace, it is simply information that I am receiving that is telling me that I am believing in what is false, in what is not real. It means that I have been making the ego my constant companion. It means that I have been listening to the wrong voice, the wrong guide.

35. My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.

The peace that I see outside in the world arises from the peace that resides deep within me, in the mind that I share with God.

The Holy Spirit in my mind is the only Companion who I constantly want to share my day with.

I ask the Holy Spirit for help in undoing the ego thoughts and feelings that I become aware of throughout the day. Each time I ask, I then wait in stillness, faith, and confidence to receive God’s peace and blessings that I am always assured will come.

I am grateful for my Constant Companion, the Holy Spirit, and God, who does everything through me.

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