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Lesson 55, February 24


21. I am determined to see things differently.

22. What I see is a form of vengeance.

23. I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.

24. I do not perceive my own best interests.

25. I do not know what anything is for.

The five lessons we are reviewing today are focused on what we are seeing.

21. I am determined to see things differently.

The world of appearances is showing me lack, loneliness, and limitation.

A Course in Miracles is showing me a different vision, one that is seeing through the eyes of love rather than through my small mindedness.

22. What I see is a form of vengeance.

It is a form of vengeance because it is founded on thoughts of attack rather than on thoughts of love and light.

23. I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.

All of my thoughts create all of the forms that I see in the world of appearances. I can see a different world by giving up my attack thoughts.

24. I do not perceive my own best interests.

My own interests are founded on fear and on the neediness of thinking that I do not have any of my Father’s resources. I can have any of these resources simply by receiving them and then accepting them.

25. I do not know what anything is for.

I do not see my life or the world with the same view of the big picture as the Holy Spirit sees it. I only see fragmented parts of the whole, and therefore I do not know what anything is for because I don’t see the whole picture.

I can choose to see the illusions in the world as real. Or, I can choose to allow the illusions of the world to be reminders that are showing me the limited beliefs that I am still holding on to.

I can use these reminders to ask the Holy Spirit to correct my thoughts and purify my mind. I can learn to see these illusions from a higher perspective of love, light, and laughter.

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