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Lesson 51, February 20


For the next ten days, each lesson will receive five of the first fifty lessons in A Course in Miracles.

1. Nothing I see means anything.

2. I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me.

3. I do not understand anything I see.

4. These thoughts do not mean anything.

5. I am never upset for the reason I think.

1. Nothing I see means anything.

What we see through our body’s eyes is only an effect, it is the past, it is an illusion, and it is ephemeral. It has no meaning because it is not God’s Vision. It is what we see through our own meaningless judgmental thoughts.

2. I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me.

We have judged what we see, which means that in our acceptance of some part of what exists we have rejected another part of what exists. To judge anything or anyone is to withhold or not give love and acceptance, and that can never be God’s Vision.

3. I do not understand anything I see.

All that we are seeing is our own unloving judgments projected outside of ourselves. Judgments are error thoughts so we see only error, or, illusion.

4. These thoughts do not mean anything.

All we see is our meaningless thoughts because we are thinking without God, we are thinking on our own, we are refusing to love. Without God, indeed, we are powerless, helpless, and hopeless victims.

5. I am never upset for the reason I think.

We are victims of our meaningless thoughts. These thoughts are upsetting us, creating or projecting illusions that are making us angry. We haven’t recognized that our meaningless thoughts are what cause our anger. Be willing to release these thoughts to the Holy Spirit in our minds, asking for correction of these thoughts, and for a new interpretation of all that we see, asking to see God’s vision, asking to see with God’s eyes, through the eyes of love.

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