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Lesson 43, February 12

God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him.

The Holy Spirit mediates between perception and knowledge. One, perception, does not exist, and the other, knowledge, is of God.

Although perception does not exist, it does become the means by which we forgive others and ourselves.

We give all that we perceive to the Holy Spirit for purification so that we can once again see with God’s mind and vision.

We cannot see apart from God because we cannot be apart from God.

The realm of knowledge is when we see and think with God’s infinite mind. A Course in Miracles calls this being right-minded. In this state we are being open to receiving God’s meaning about everything, which is the Oneness, unity of all.

The realm of perception is when we see and think with our limited ego mind. A Course in Miracles calls this being wrong-minded. In this state we are seeing separation with the body’s physical eyes.

These two realms are the two parallel experiences that are always, simultaneously available to us as we look outward, upon our world.

Looking at forms on our own, we experience smallness, anger, and fear.

Looking at forms guided by the Holy Spirit, we experience wholeness, gratitude, and clarity.

If we remember that we cannot see apart from our Source, then we are reminding ourselves to stop accepting our own small interpretation of what we are perceiving. We can then choose to stop and step back, then ask our mediator, the Holy Spirit to interpret what we are looking at.

With the Holy Spirit guiding us, we will see the love which is the only thing that is real.

In the Introduction to the text, it states that only love is real. Nothing else that exists. Nothing is Real except God’s Love. I am a part of God, and therefore, I am love, a reflection of Source. All I see therefore is the Love that I am.

Seeing with Source, we see the wholeness and unity that exists beneath our ego’s judgmental and therefore separating view of the world.

And since only love exists, if I think I am seeing anything but love, then it must be a dream, an illusion that does not exist.

Duality is a dream about judgment and separation that cannot in reality exist.

Without the Holy Spirit guiding us, what we are seeing is our ego’s beliefs, some of which are deep and long-standing, being projected outwards. We have become unaware and unconscious of the reality that these images we are seeing are not real but are merely showing us a past that we once believed.

We have grown accustomed to seeing images of our past beliefs being repeatedly replayed in our present.

This is seeing the nothingness that does not exist.

And is there anything more insane than this way of looking upon the world with small and wrong minded sight?

This lesson is asking us to stop thinking on our own, to stop using our small mind, so we can stop the insanity of looking without seeing.

Ask the Holy Spirit to purify your perception in every moment so that you can see differently, using the One mind that knows the truth.

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