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Lesson 200, July 19

There is no peace except the peace of God.

Outer conditions can never give us peace.

Nothing in the world except for forgiveness can bring us God’s peace.

Thinking about finding peace or comfort in the future or anywhere outside of ourselves is a trap.

Money, relationships, a job, a better decision, love, power, nor any earthly attribute can ever fill us with lasting peace.

All discomfort is created by the thoughts in our minds about the circumstances of our lives, or about other people’s behaviors, or is related to our guilt and repressed energy.

Forgive ourselves for every disturbance and then, choose again, this time choose peace.

All other means of seeking peace must fail, simply because peace is already something that we each have. There is no need to get peace or to find peace.
Peace is in God, and therefore, peace is in us, now and always.

Our job is to accept peace and to access it in order to extend it to the world.

We extend peace to the world by offering the world forgiveness.

Therefore, the world is now seen differently, as a classroom for learning instead of a prison for attacking.

In every hour, choose the Holy Spirit as our trusted Guide and Constant Friend, and peace will be the outcome every time.

We need not wait for anything, but we must invite the Holy Spirit to guide us in every moment.

This moment, TM, contains everything that we need if we learn to focus away from the body and onto God, and the Holy Spirit.

This is how we can align ourselves with the voice of God.

Now, I choose to be Responsible and Grateful for being at peace in this moment.

Now I choose my function of being aligned only with God, listening only to God’s voice.

When the ego’s thoughts insist on interfering with the voice of God, just say, “No!!” This is how we can stop aligning ourselves with the voice of the ego.

Then, Receive from God and my Constant Companion, the Holy Spirit, by listening to the answers to the following questions:
Where should I go, what should I do, what should I say and who should I say it to?

Finally, Go with Gratitude as my Guide directs me to Go.

Now I have Replaced my ever-changing mind and agenda with His purpose and companionship.

Now I Relax in God’s peace.

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