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Lesson 166, June 15

I am entrusted with the gifts of God.

God holds nothing back but showers us with everything to contribute to our happiness.

If God’s gifts are not received by us, however, it is because our will is not one with, aligned with His.

How many of us have felt like homeless, impoverished gypsies, wandering alone and without any purpose for living?

What would it feel like if our rich and almighty Father suddenly tapped us on the shoulder to remind us that we have inherited His entire wealthy Kingdom?

And, then, what if we had everything, and then in turn, brought the gifts of Glory that we received to our brothers who have also believed themselves to be outside and apart from the Kingdom?

A Course in Miracles is moving us forward now, past all of the illusions that remain in the view we still have of the world.

We must continue to be adamant in not reacting to illusions or problems because to do so is the cause of having these unrealities persist.

We have accepted too little in the past, and having grown comfortable with lack, limitation, and separation. Now we must expand our experiences of what it’s like to live in our Father’s Kingdom.

Many of us have become attached to an image of ourselves as an abandoned, unworthy, unneeded victim. We are used to feeling helpless and hopeless. Our identity as one who is disempowered, suffering, and struggling often appears to be unshakable to change.

Evidence of our victimhood surrounds us in every hour. In our ignorance, we have reacted to the evidence, often wallowing endlessly in self-pity. Not without effects, victimhood has cemented itself at every turn, leaving us apparently with no escape.

But, we have been in tremendous pain because we are trying to be who we are not.

The truth is that we are and have always been whole, perfect, abundant, happy, and complete.

We are also never alone because God is our Constant Companion who can never leave our side.

Our purpose on earth is to give to our sad and unhappy brothers the gifts that have been given to us.

In so doing we are growing by living our mission to be happy, and in turn, helping others recognize that they, too, have inherited the Father’s Kingdom.

We have recognized that we really aren’t the victims that we once believed ourselves to be.

We have learned that by taking full responsibility as the creator of our lives, we are free to make the decision to live in Heaven instead of in hell.

And we now realize that we have a 24/7 Constant Companion who is available to help us just for the asking.

Now, we are moving forward to demonstrate God’s Heavenly Truth by the imperturbable peace, love, and joy that we experience.

All of our experiences of victimhood have become the dust of nothingness because we steadfastly refuse to acknowledge that those realities have any credence to what is real.

We have learned to stop denying and rejecting God who lives in the reflection of our brothers. Any grievance towards a brother is but an attack on ourselves as well as on God, our Father.

Our brothers’ purpose is only to reflect the mistaken beliefs founded on thoughts of our own unworthiness that still hide in us.

Thank our brothers for their gifts of awareness to us. We no longer need to accept the littleness of our ego’s valueless temptations.

When we perceive ourselves as attacked we are denying and rejecting the gifts we have received. An attack is only a call for love in need of correction, not punishment.

Our will is not aligned with God’s.

We become more in alignment with God with every false thought, feeling, and image we bring to the Holy Spirit for correction and transformation.

Nothing is Real but God’s Love, Light, Laughter, and Life.

It is these gifts of Heaven that we have received and accepted, of peace, joy, happiness, love, laughter, guidance, comfort, security, relaxation, release, and happiness that we now offer to everyone.

Ask for a vision of Heaven’s gifts now.

Accept Heaven’s gifts now, so that we may have them to give, and then, to receive.

This is our practice for today.

As we give these gifts, we receive them.

We now recognize our identity is Love, and our home is in Heaven.

Happily accept His gifts in every hour today, and experience Christ’s touch of love. Then, ask who to share these gifts with in this hour.

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