My mind holds only what I think with God.
(127) There is no love but God’s.
(128) The world I see holds nothing that I want.
Not only does the world we see hold nothing that we want, but the blocks and unloving things we think are real about the world and ourselves are not even real.
We need to be constant in realizing that Nothing is Real but God’s love.
It is in His Presence that we are learning to feel loved, comforted, and relaxed. Nothing else has value. Nothing could be more important.
Only consistent practice works to keep our minds open to the truth when our ego would prefer our minds to remain closed, small, narrow, and in fear.
We need to practice letting go of the ego as our guide, so that we can quiet our minds to receive God’s love.
Stop looking for what we already have.
There is no love but God’s love.
All other love is ephemeral. Any love other than God’s love is in the world, and therefore the world we see holds nothing that we want.
To be in a space of God’s love requires stillness.
We need to slow down so we can quiet our minds and locate ourselves in this love, which is always beneath the ego’s chatter and the forms that appear in the world.
There is nothing that we need that hasn’t or will not be provided.
We will find our happiness only by extending the love that we are, unmeasured, unconditionally out upon the world.
Let go of our own plans and agendas that trick us into thinking there is something in the world that we need or want.
Holy Spirit, help us return home to Source, to the love that has always been here.
God’s love is all that we are.
God’s love is all that we want to extend.
God, show us how to extend Your love now in this present moment.
God, open our eyes to all Your love that surrounds us now.