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Lesson 133, May 13

I will not value what is valueless.

Today we make the choice for grievances or for God.

For 132 lessons, A Course in Miracles has been telling us to make the choice for God by offering love and forgiveness.

It takes a degree of humility to give love, especially in unloving circumstances when our initial reaction is often to withhold love and offer some form of attack or grievance instead.

How easily we forget that by holding on to grievances and withholding love we are valuing what is valueless, and choosing the world of separation.

By valuing what has no value we are maintaining the illusion of separation.

Having a deepening experience of love will make it easier to let grievances go because holding on to what has no value just doesn’t feel good.

We are still in the process of practicing to feel the love that we are.

This lesson is aimed at helping us let go of what has no value by recognizing what is not real.

On our own we cannot know what anything is for.

When we forget to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us, we are acting on our own, which means that we are still identified with the ego.

The Holy Spirit is waiting in our minds, ready to help us in every moment.

We need to ask in every moment.

Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help in discerning what has value from what is without value.

“Holy Spirit, look at this situation with me. Help me to not value what is valueless.”

Let us not value what is valueless.

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