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Lesson 128, May 8

The world I see holds nothing that I want.

Whatever we value in the world becomes a chain that kills our freedom. That is its only purpose.

All that we value in the world serves only to keep our own value and worth hidden from awareness.

What we value in the world serves to erase from our memories all realization of our True Self, which is the All that does have value and worth.

Cherish nothing in the worthless world.

Allow nothing in the world to tempt us.

Nothing is Real but God’s Love.

The value we place on anything outside of our True Selves blinds us to the Truth.

Place all value only on the Self, we share with God and all our brothers.

Today’s lesson is the practice of releasing all value we have assigned the body and every worldly fiction we once thought could bring us happiness or peace.

Our home is not in the world but in God’s comforting arms.

With every lesson that we practice we are shifting a perspective of being chained to the world to the freedom of finding our home in God.

Holy Spirit, release our minds from a lifetime of chains that has made freedom a stranger.

Value nothing that the body’s eyes see.

The world we see holds nothing that we want.

Mentally release from our minds all thoughts concerning the material world.

The peace we long for waits in our minds for our acceptance of it.

Peace and love do not exist in the world, but remain forever in our hearts and minds.

The world we see holds nothing that we want.

Now Rest our minds only in God.

Now Rise above the world and Relax in God.

Our minds are open to love’s perfect presence that unfolds in the stillness of the moment.

Let us be released from all the thoughts in our minds that have assigned mistaken value to any worldly body.

Value is here in us now.

Value, peace, and love forever in our minds waiting for us.

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