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Lesson 70, March 11

My salvation comes from me.

This lesson is reminding us to look within for salvation because both salvation and guilt come from our minds.

The common status quo view is that the source of our problems and our guilty feelings is outside of ourselves.

If this were true, we would all be helpless victims of these outside forces, and it would seem that we are powerless to do anything about these problems.

And, many of us would do what I did for most of my life, which is to rant and rave, blame, feel desperate, powerless, and helpless, and become very, very anger at what appears to be an insensitive, unresponsive, and uncaring world.

If the source of our problems is in our minds, however, then we are in a position to do something about them.

Our salvation comes from ourselves.

Seeing salvation as outside of ourselves is how we give our power away and refuse to take responsibility.

We are never dependent on anyone or anything outside ourselves to give or do something to or for us, nor to rescue or save us.

We don’t need to seek out a healer, guru, therapist, we don’t need more money, more family, more God or more religion. Not even A Course in Miracles is needed.

This is no trivial idea because it means that nothing outside of us can ever affect us, upset us, or save us.

In the big picture scheme of things, it means that we are in charge of our world.

We alone are in charge of our salvation.

This idea is echoed several times throughout A Course in Miracles, such as in Lesson 330, where it is stated that, “you are but doing this to yourself.”

We have that much power, as Marianne Williamson says.

The truth is that we are each born free.

However, we each tend not to believe or accept that we are born free, and that in essence, is our only problem.

God’s will is for us to be healed and happy, therefore He has placed the solution to all of our problems where the problem lies— in our minds.

Absolutely nothing except our thoughts can interfere with our salvation.

Our salvation lies in reaching the light in us, which we described in detail in yesterday’s lesson.

We need to go through our clouds of darkness in order to reach the light in us.

Picture yourself pushing past the clouds towards the light.

It means that we simply need to make it a habit to stop choosing illness, poverty, loneliness, and so forth, and going forward, to make better choices in our minds.

Accept that you are free now.

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