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Lesson 158, June 7

Today I learn to give as I receive.

We can only receive the love we give.

We sometimes think we have nothing to give, however, we are always able to give someone the gift of forgiveness.

We are forgiving whenever we choose to see past all form to the light of the Christ that lives within all bodies and forms.

Our gift to our brothers is offered whenever we hold a vision of them that sees beyond all form and behavior, regardless of how they appear, and see only their brightly shining light that can never grow dim.

This lesson is asking us to see no one as a body but instead as the Holy Son of God, in whom His light shines forth.

To see everyone with Christ’s vision, through Christ’s eyes is to look upon everyone as sinless and innocent.

All of their perceived sins become undone and disappear when we use our power to overlook all sins.

Today, practice seeing with Christ’s vision. This alone will open us to having greater compassion towards others as well as towards ourselves.

We need but accept Christ’s vision in order to receive this gift we already possess.

In choosing to see others with our Christ vision, we are inviting the Christ vision to look upon us.

In practicing today’s lesson, we receive as we have given, and so are our sins also forgiven.

Let us now give what we wish to receive.

Today we learn to give as we receive.

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